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January 2013

Our Latest Release

Looks Beautiful Everywhere

With the rising popularity of mobile devices, it's now unacceptable to have an email message that's difficult to read on mobile. Mobilized is both responsive and scalable, which means it looks great on mobile devices, whether they recognize media queries or not. Learn more...

Create Your Email in Minutes

With its modular structure, Mobilized will help you create your message quickly by giving you the power to copy and paste modules into a layout of your liking. Then, you can just insert your own text and photos, and you're done! Read more...

Adaptable For Any Purpose

With more than 30+ modules you can mix and match according to your email's intent (not to mention 7 color themes and 2 backgrounds), this initial release of Mobilized gives you a lot of choices in helping you craft your perfect email message. Learn more...

Buy it now and get an iPad and an iPhone for FREE!

Just kidding. But you might want to resize the browser to see the responsive effect! Vivamus lorem elit, ultrices vel aliquet eu. Fusce auctor.

This simple paragpraph module allows you to put in any last instructions or disclaimers for whatever promo you're running, for example. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Some link here.

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